Thursday, January 20, 2011

Setting Up A blogging plan to post every day

Today I am going to share with you my plan of attack for my blogs, as well as explain why I have set up a blog at .

With that being said lets take a look at my plan to post a new blog everyday and my reasoning behind it:

  1. I am setting out to write 10 blog post 2 days a week, Why? So that I will have content to post everyday. As I write each post I will be able to optimize my keywords that I search for and decide to use in my blogs articles.
  2. This will allow me to focus on being more involved with Twitter and Facebook, which I use to help promote my blogs and find other bloggers to learn from. This will not only help me to find more SEO tips to share but also over time may create some link exchange opportunities, helping my SEO.
  3. I will be able to focus more on create product, and finding product to make money from.
  4. I am a new blogger and as anyone whom has been doing this for awhile will tell you that blogging for money is very time consuming. There is a lot of software to learn about, tips and tricks to implement. I have been trying to manage my time so that I can post every day, but its just not working. So thats why I have decided to take 2 days a week and write my post in advance.
  5. I will be able to improve my writing skills, over time creating more interesting content for my blogs and hopefully this will keep my readers coming back for more. After all I think my readers are my blogs most valuable asset.
Now with that being said I hope that my plan might help other to create a plan of action to better serve their blogs.

I started hosting a blog on my paid for site because what I have found is that hosting a blog on a free site limits what you can do as far a generating a income. I am not knocking blogger but I am just saying. I have noticed that my traffic is more on my blog at is very much different compared to this blog. I mean here I have been blogging for about 2 months, I have only seen 170 page visits. On my paid for site has seen 577 in the last 2 weeks!!!
I use Twitter and Facebook to share my updates, promote both blogs. I know that if you are blogging here on that Google takes around 60 to 90 days to index your blog at first.
The only thing that I can say is different is that I am getting indexed more on my paid site than I am here on blogger.? Maybe you can tell me?
Hosting my own blog allows me to keep everything on one site, which I hope will allow me to brand myself over time.
I hope that this is helpful to anyone whom is blogging for money, especially new bloggers.

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