Thursday, January 20, 2011

Setting Up A blogging plan to post every day

Today I am going to share with you my plan of attack for my blogs, as well as explain why I have set up a blog at .

With that being said lets take a look at my plan to post a new blog everyday and my reasoning behind it:

  1. I am setting out to write 10 blog post 2 days a week, Why? So that I will have content to post everyday. As I write each post I will be able to optimize my keywords that I search for and decide to use in my blogs articles.
  2. This will allow me to focus on being more involved with Twitter and Facebook, which I use to help promote my blogs and find other bloggers to learn from. This will not only help me to find more SEO tips to share but also over time may create some link exchange opportunities, helping my SEO.
  3. I will be able to focus more on create product, and finding product to make money from.
  4. I am a new blogger and as anyone whom has been doing this for awhile will tell you that blogging for money is very time consuming. There is a lot of software to learn about, tips and tricks to implement. I have been trying to manage my time so that I can post every day, but its just not working. So thats why I have decided to take 2 days a week and write my post in advance.
  5. I will be able to improve my writing skills, over time creating more interesting content for my blogs and hopefully this will keep my readers coming back for more. After all I think my readers are my blogs most valuable asset.
Now with that being said I hope that my plan might help other to create a plan of action to better serve their blogs.

I started hosting a blog on my paid for site because what I have found is that hosting a blog on a free site limits what you can do as far a generating a income. I am not knocking blogger but I am just saying. I have noticed that my traffic is more on my blog at is very much different compared to this blog. I mean here I have been blogging for about 2 months, I have only seen 170 page visits. On my paid for site has seen 577 in the last 2 weeks!!!
I use Twitter and Facebook to share my updates, promote both blogs. I know that if you are blogging here on that Google takes around 60 to 90 days to index your blog at first.
The only thing that I can say is different is that I am getting indexed more on my paid site than I am here on blogger.? Maybe you can tell me?
Hosting my own blog allows me to keep everything on one site, which I hope will allow me to brand myself over time.
I hope that this is helpful to anyone whom is blogging for money, especially new bloggers.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Bloggers Can Grow Using Twitter

Today I want to discuss using Twitter to grow your readership. For the last month or so I have been using Twitter to find more blogs to research for link building, Seo, Keyword optimization techniques and more. Along the way I have been able to find more bloggers related to what I am trying to do than I could possibly imagine. I have found e-books, video e-course's, ideas, rebranding tips and more. All because of Twitter.

I want to explain why I am so impressed with marketing your blogs on Twitter. With Twitter I have been able to learn how to set up my business blogs on my host site at host gator. With in 1 week, its been about 2 right now, my blog has seen around 400 visits. It has took me 2 months to get 150 visits here on blogger. I think that a big part of it is 1) I tweet every time I update my wordpress blog that I host on host gator, 2) I am paying for it, which means that I am getting indexed more often. After all it takes money to make money? Right!!!!

Here is what I know Twitter is becoming very popular, definitely in the last 2 years, Twitter is away to get free advertising for your blogs as well as Twitter is a way to make important business contacts related to your niche. I have learned more in the last month than I have in the last 3 years, all because of the followers that I have found on Twitter.

I can honestly say that every time I Tweet a post update that I will see 2 to 4 new followers each day after posting for 3 -4 days as a result, that's every day. Twitter is a magnet for bloggers who are trying to build their business blogs, you will without a doubt grow.
All you need to do is:
  1. Tweet useful tweets to your followers
  2. be active, have conversations with your followers tweet (or retweet) their updates, share them on facebook.
  3. thank them for their comments
  4. write great content to keep them coming back
  5. be as helpful as you can
  6. comment on their blogs when you can
  7. set up a Tweet button on your blog
  8. tweet your products web sites, this will generate traffic to your site.

I would like to say that besides using Keyword Ninja, and SEO Pressor, that Twitter has helped me grow in the last month more than I could possibly have dreamed. I will have to admit that I have paying more attention to my blog on :, than I have here because on it I am able to do more.

I am currently working on a video e-course that will teach you how to make money with your blogs by branding and rebranding products. So please be patient I will make the lack of post worth while in the end for you.

As always good luck in all your business adventures, and don't forget to get your free copy of " Secret Lives" it is packed full of interviews with 7 internet marketers. Also If you need tools to help you grow your blog business check out my "Keyword Tools list" here on my side bar.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Analyzing Website Traffic For Seo

Analyzing your web traffic statistics can be an invaluable
tool for a number of different reasons. But before you can
make full use of this tool, you need to understand how to
interpret the data.

Most web hosting companies will provide you with basic web
traffic information that you then have to interpret and
make pertinent use of. However, the data you receive from
your host company can be overwhelming if you don't
understand how to apply it to your particular business and
website. Let's start by examining the most basic data - the
average visitors to your site on a daily, weekly, and
monthly basis.

These figures are the most accurate measure of your
website's activity. It would appear on the surface that the
more traffic you see recorded, the better you can assume
your website is doing, but this is an inaccurate
perception. You must also look at the behavior of your
visitors once they come to your website to accurately gauge
the effectiveness of your site.

There is often a great misconception about what is commonly
known as "hits" and what is really effective, quality
traffic to your site. Hits simply means the number of
information requests received by the server. If you think
about the fact that a hit can simply equate to the number
of graphics per page, you will get an idea of how overblown
the concept of hits can be. For example, if your homepage
has 15 graphics on it, the server records this as 15 hits,
when in reality we are talking about a single visitor
checking out a single page on your site. As you can see,
hits are not useful in analyzing your website traffic.

The more visitors that come to your website, the more
accurate your interpretation will become. The greater the
traffic is to your website, the more precise your analysis
will be of overall trends in visitor behavior. The smaller
the number of visitors, the more a few anomalous visitors
can distort the analysis.

The aim is to use the web traffic statistics to figure out
how well or how poorly your site is working for your
visitors. One way to determine this is to find out how long
on average your visitors spend on your site. If the time
spent is relatively brief, it usually indicates an
underlying problem. Then the challenge is to figure out
what that problem is.

It could be that your keywords are directing the wrong type
of visitors to your website, or that your graphics are
confusing or intimidating, causing the visitor to exit
rapidly. Use the knowledge of how much time visitors are
spending on your site to pinpoint specific problems, and
after you fix those problems, continue to use time spent as
a gauge of how effective your fix has been.

Additionally, web traffic stats can help you determine
effective and ineffective areas of your website. If you
have a page that you believe is important, but visitors are
exiting it rapidly, that page needs attention. You could,
for example, consider improving the link to this page by
making the link more noticeable and enticing, or you could
improve the look of the page or the ease that your visitors
can access the necessary information on that page.

If, on the other hand, you notice that visitors are
spending a lot of time on pages that you think are less
important, you might consider moving some of your sales
copy and marketing focus to that particular page.

As you can see, these statistics will reveal vital
information about the effectiveness of individual pages,
and visitor habits and motivation. This is essential
information to any successful Internet marketing campaign.

Your website undoubtedly has exit pages, such as a final
order or contact form. This is a page you can expect your
visitor to exit rapidly. However, not every visitor to your
site is going to find exactly what he or she is looking
for, so statistics may show you a number of different exit
pages. This is normal unless you notice a exit trend on a
particular page that is not intended as an exit page. In
the case that a significant percentage of visitors are
exiting your website on a page not designed for that
purpose, you must closely examine that particular page to
discern what the problem is. Once you pinpoint potential
weaknesses on that page, minor modifications in content or
graphic may have a significant impact on the keeping
visitors moving through your site instead of exiting at the
wrong page.

After you have analyzed your visitor statistics, it's time
to turn to your keywords and phrases. Notice if particular
keywords are directing a specific type of visitor to your
site. The more targeted the visitor - meaning that they
find what they are looking for on your site, and even
better, fill out your contact form or make a purchase - the
more valuable that keyword is.

However, if you find a large number of visitors are being
directed - or should I say misdirected - to your site by a
particular keyword or phrase, that keyword demands
adjustment. Keywords are vital to bringing quality visitors
to your site who are ready to do business with you. Close
analysis of the keywords your visitors are using to find
your site will give you a vital understanding of your
visitor's needs and motivations.

Finally, if you notice that users are finding your website
by typing in your company name, break open the champagne!
It means you have achieved a significant level of brand
recognition, and this is a sure sign of burgeoning success.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Keyword Optimization For Google Adsense

I wanted to once again go over the importance of optimizing your post for keywords and keyword phrases. If your are monetizing your blog with Google Adsense then you want to have ads being placed that are going to pay you, the business blogger the most you can per click, don't you?

Well this is what I do each and every day:

  1. perform a key word search using Google's keyword search tool, since it is Google Adsense that you are trying to earn the most from per click, I also use Keyword ninja to compare with Google.
  2. find the keywords and keyword phrases with the highest searches per month.
  3. find the keywords and keyword phrases with high cost per click (cpc).
  4. find the keywords and keywords phrases with medium to low competition.
  5. find out how much traffic Google estimates you will get using Google's keyword tool.
  6. I than only use the keywords or keywords phrases that estimate's show that I may receive clicks from If I were paying for the Google Adwords ads using the keywords or keyword phrases I have researched.
  7. I then proceed with SEO for my post, I try to keep my keyword density at 1% to 2.2%, I have heard of other bloggers trying to keep their keyword density at 8% to 15%.
At this point in time I have found that my Google Adsense Ads have went from paying out 10 to 30 cents to right now any where from $1.30 to as high as $2.68. With that being said I can say that I know that keyword optimization is the key to higher payouts for Google Adsense.

I am not sure as to whether or keyword density higher than 2.2% is better or not. So play with it, I am. Who knows maybe it would be better to optimize your keywords for density at around 8% to 15%, but doing so might hurt your overall SEO campaign.

Until next time good luck with all of your business adventures, DON'T FORGET TO GET YOU FREE COPY of " Internet Marketers Secret Lives Revealed ".

Also check out my new web site: .

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I have a new site

I have spent the weekend building a new site at , it will allow me to put every thing I have going on all in one place. I will continue to maintain this site, although getziggys is my main site. Please feel free to check it out.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Researching Blogs For SEO Tips

It is important to research for your blog by researching other blogs. The reasons are:

  • by researching other blogs you are learning search engine optimization tips
  • you can learn how others perform keyword searches, what keyword tools they use, I use keyword ninja, googles adwords keyword tool
  • overtime you will be able to develop relationships by leaving valuable comments; not spam, which will eventually lead to you linking to other pages, bettering your ranking in the search engines
  • you can find out what keywords or keyword phrases are being used to better your SEO efforts, using tools for free like SEO QUAKE
  • you can get ideas for your blog to help you create more traffic, such as templet design, opt in’s, polls, free product offers, even article ideas may develop

Bloggers whom are blogging for money are very generous with their info on how they are succeeding. I have found a lot of search engine optimization tips and keyword optimization tips by researching blogs. In the last month alone I have found several e-books for begginers to learn how to set up their blogs, search engine optimization, keyword searching, keyword density, marketing and the list goes on.
I wrote this blog post today because it dawned on me that while I am learning to get my SEO where it needs to be I have been making very good steps connecting with other bloggers whom are succeeding like I hope to. Every e-book I have read on SEO states somewhere in it that if you want to rank higher and get more traffic that you must get involved with others in the blogosphere, eventually linking to their blogs.
I have found additional tools to help me find keywords allowing me to optimize my post for those keywords, improving my SEO. All because of other bloggers.
I have found many article ideas by researching other blogs for tips on search engine optimization and keyword optimization.

I hope that this blog is going to get you thinking about how important being involved in the blogosphere is, as it does have an effect on search engine optimization, ranking.

As always get your free copy of "The secret lives of internet marketers revealed". Good luck in all your business adventures.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Using Keyword Density For SEO Purpose's

Using keyword density for SEO purpose's means you need to use your keywords and keyword phrases a certain percentage throughout your post. You may be wondering what the percentage is?

Here is what I have figured out, depending on the source you use, that percentage is roughly 1.5%. Some sites I have discovered by using SEOQUAKE that keyword usage for SEO purpose's tends to be at least 1% to as high as 2.2%. If you want to optimize for certain keywords or keyword phrases you want to stay within this range.

To achieve this typically means that you should use your keywords or keyword phrases at least 6 times for every 300 words. Keep in mind that you want your post to be useful to your readers both the human, the search engine.

SEOQUAKE is a nice tool to have because it allows you to look at the info for any page. You can find out what keywords are being used and which keywords or keyword phrases the page is optimized for. You can view the percentage of use for each keyword or keyword phrase. Best of all this tool is free at

Besides finding your keywords using googles adwords tool (free to use for account members), or keyword tools like KEYWORD NINJA , SEO PROFESOR (these cost but are worth the investment), you want to start using your keywords in the top left section of your page. This will help give your post more weight with google as their search engine spiders start crawling from the top left and down, the same as a human reader does.

If you have kept your keyword density in mind and have chosen the right keywords or keyword phrases, you should see an improvement in your page rank over time by following this idea you should see an increase in traffic. Now don't get me wrong you need to pay attention to keyword density and your keyword selection every time you write a post along with paying attention to other elements of SEO, such as your meta tags, your links.

As always get your free copy of "The secret lives internet marketers revealed". And good luck with all of your business adventures.